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Students orientation/Career​/Work-Life Balance​/Communication​


  • You are a high school student and don't know what you want to do after your diploma (Abitur)?

  • You are a university student and you are stucked and have doubts if you chose the right field of study?

  • You don't have enough time for your private life and want to work on your Work-Life-Balance?

  • You have some conflicts in your life and want to find a solution?

  • You feel not secure talking in front of others and want to improve this?

  • You need to communicate a sensitive topic to someone and need some support before doing this?

Private Life Coaching

These and other questions can be topics of a Private Life Coaching Session. 

You run no risk and at any time you can stop the Coaching sessions. You decide how often you want to meet and until where you want to go.

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